
7 ideas to boost your employees’ engagement

Motivating your employees and bringing your company culture to life are crucial for everyone’s commitment and wellbeing. To find fulfilment in your job, it is vital that you know that there is no strict boundary between your personality at work and your personality in your private life, according to the famous writer and speaker Simon Sinek. This idea is the cornerstone of the 7 tips that we share below.

  1. Set the right example: smile!

So simple but oh so efficient! If you only see the downside of everything and spend all your days without cracking a smile, the atmosphere will start to deteriorate sooner or later. Nobody will dare to smile. But if you smile, are optimistic and even make jokes, your employees will follow your example. Smiling and laughing is hugely beneficial in today’s society. It will benefit your relationships with others and the efficiency of the people who share your joke and happiness.


  1. Show your employees that you also have a life!

If you respect your own work-life balance, you’ll avoid giving your employees the impression that they must always work late and/or work on the weekend. Leave work early now and then to attend a performance by your kids, wait until Monday to send that e-mail even if you prepare it on the weekend... A series of little gestures that are conducive to a laidback atmosphere and promote your work-life balance and that of your employees.


  1. Show empathy!

If you pay attention to your employees, you can create a climate of trust within your team. Show them that you genuinely care about them, ask them how they’re doing. Offer support in difficult times, touch base with them regularly, pool money as a team for a small gesture for a wedding, the birth of a baby... These signs of attention ensure that everyone feel engaged and is thus more motivated.


  1. Celebrate successes!

Moments of gratitude are crucial in a company. Take the time to celebrate successes and, why not, put an employee or a team in the spotlight for their efforts. A positive environment creates trust.


  1. Take the temperature!

You can use this idea during meetings with fewer participants. Start the meeting by asking everyone how they feel, limit this to 30 seconds per participant. If someone is worried because his or her son was hospitalised the day before for example, now would be a good time to share this. The idea is to briefly set aside your agenda, take the burden of the employee’s mind and make the meeting more efficient. You can also use this brief opportunity for a light-hearted suggestion about a good TV programme for example. You share a glimpse of your private life, which is crucial because it makes everyone more creative and efficient.


  1. Celebrate birthdays!

Eating cake with the team, sending a card, pooling your cash for a gift... A birthday is an excellent opportunity to connect work with people’s private life, with a quick break to cement the ties.


  1. Make a list of power songs!

This idea may not be feasible in every setting but it is a very good one if your work environment lends itself to this. If you run a department store, for example, you can start your day by playing some music that will instantly energise your employees. A great way of ensuring that everyone starts the day with a positive mindset.


Do you want more tips about wellbeing in your company? Read our other articles!