Focus groups

What are your staff member's top priorities for health and wellbeing? How do your employees feel about the current wellbeing initiatives on offer? Focus groups are qualitative group interviews with a representative sample of your staff members. We use them to identify their met and unmet needs. Think of them as an opportunity to gather valuable opinions, insight, feedback and suggestions.

Did you know that focus groups are a great complement to quantitative surveys such as My WellRi? They give your Wellbeing Manager the flexibility to dive deeper into issues that come up during the discussion.

Focus groups
Travailleurs génération Y et millenials


Your staff members will see that you truly value their opinion and take their needs into account. Because they feel you care, they'll be happy to help.

neutrale partij

Neutral party

  • As an objective outside observer, Health Partner will collect employee feedback in their own words and voices. Time will be spent discussing the current situation, but the main purpose will be to come up with solutions that will improve wellbeing in the short term.
  • Your staff members will feel more comfortable sharing their opinions.



The end result will be to present the anonymised results to management in a clear report. We can also help you share the results with your staff members, if that option appeals to you.

Find out what focus groups can do for you

KMO-portefeuille werkbaarheidscheques

Assess the needs of your staff members with "werkbaarheidscheque" vouchers

With the Flemish "werkbaarheidscheque" voucher scheme, you'll get financial aid to help you identify and improve wellbeing outcomes in the workplace. Through this scheme, the Flemish Government will subsidise up to 60% of your project, up to a maximum of €10,000. An important prerequisite is that the services have to be delivered by a licensed registered service provider such as Health Partner.